The goal is to be held healthy pregnancy, and the growing fetus in the womb awake akan health.
The main reason for the pre-conception is very important, because basically, at this time, the body needs to be very dikondisikan perfect.
Which usually occurs during the period are:
* During the pre-conception, the various health disturbances of talent may have a mother, such as asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, and others will be monitored. If there is, it will be controlled before conception occurs with drugs that match your situation.
* If you use the contraceptive pill, the doctor usually will recommend another type of contraception for a few cycles menstruasi, so that the reproductive system to restore the condition of hormone levels to normal. This is also done so that doctors can determine the exact period of conception, and estimate the date of your confinement.
* In general, doctors will recommend a healthy lifestyle that are appropriate for this period of pre-conception, in order to increase the likelihood of your pregnancy. Doctors will make sure your condition is completely ready for fertilization, so that it may often need to be done to ensure the diet your body weight balanced, adjusting the pattern of life such as stopping smoking, exercise regularly, eat healthy and minimize the stress.
* Preparing for the pre-conception also means that reduce the risk of interference may be experienced by the fetus. You may need some type of vaccine and then to wait several months before conception is suggested. If you merencakan the first pregnancy after age 35 years, the doctor will anticipate the possibility of interference such as miscarriage, and the risk of chromosome damage.
* Engage your partner for self-examined together with doctors to prepare for a good draft. Because basically health also your lifestyle is the condition of pregnancy that you want to Go.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Sunday, December 14, 2008
How comfortable (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome)

The most common way to overcome the PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) is to consume drugs pereda pain specifically created to overcome the painful menstruation, and the use of traditional herb as an alternative way.
But there are other ways that not much is known by many people to overcome PMS. How is the rub. According to The Complete Idiots Guide to Massage, written by Joan Budilovsky and Eve Adamson, explained that pressure on certain parts of the body can ease PMS.
I recognized, uncontrollable emotions
1. Place the thumb on a point, in areas bending one leg (behind the knees). Right away that The four fingers from the middle of bending the knees. Point is a rift between the bones and leg muscles.
2. Once found, the press area with a squeeze play movement.
3. Do for 10 minutes without stop.
Stomach and waist pain
4. To overcome the pain in the stomach, place one palm on the stomach, a distance of approximately 5 meters from the navel. Press gently, and hold up to 10 count. Then release.
5. Make up to 5 times in succession. This is known to reduce tension abdominal muscles.
6. Do the same thing to overcome the pain in the waist. Only the palms of his hands with each indentation right in the waist, attached on top of the pelvis.
The most important thing you should note that each time the massage is done, pull napas in the musculature to get a good Feed oxygen and become relaks.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Condoms Prevent Cervical Cancer

The world health experts revealed that at least one time in his life, half of adult women are sexually active have HPV infected (Human papillomavirus). Although sometimes these infections are not dangerous, but the display can trigger changes morbid cells of the cervix that can later develop into cancer.
But now women no longer need to panic, the results of the research published by the New England Journal of Medicine states that condoms are proven effective to reduce the risk of cancer cervix and prevent transmission of HPV.
The results of this study contradict previous research that says that condoms only a small role in preventing the transmission of the virus occurred as a result of skin contact during sex couples. "The last known from research that women who partner use condoms more than 50% frequency of sexual relations, tend to decrease the risk of virus up to 50% compared to women who are only occasional partners use condoms," said Rachel Winer leaders of the research team from the University of Washington, Breastfeeding, which conducted the research.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Increase the fertility of ice cream

If you want to be pregnant, is now not only consume recommended various vitamins. Dr. Jorge Chavarro, a researcher from Harvard Unisersity recently released the results of research in the journal Health Nurses Health Study revealed that eating ice cream can increase fertility. Really?
"According to the results of the study, the average women who regularly consume processed milk products, especially ice cream, have the level of reproductive health equipment better than women who rarely consume ice cream," said Dr. Jorge.
Based on the article described the research involving 18,000 women respondents in the United States during the next year, from 1991 to 1999. DR. Jorge noted lifestyle of the respondents, including eating patterns, history of pregnancy and the cycle menstruasinya. Of the total respondents, 3,430 people have registered infertilitas, 2165 has declared interference womb and 438 people have egg cell production. While the remaining respondents, namely around 12,000 declared healthy and do not have reproductive problems.
A total of 12,000 respondents is then examined by Dr. Jorge. The respondents who only consume milk products processed low-fat has a risk of failure of a pregnancy up to 85%. Conversely, respondents who are known to avidly consume dairy products rich in fat, especially ice cream only 27% risk of experiencing pregnancy failure.
"Based on the results of this I encourage women to plan pregnancies that have re-low-fat dietary pattern that is run," said Dr. Jorge. "I do not recommend to eat ice cream three times a day, just change the food products with low fat milk rich in fat and processed once a day. In this ice cream is fat dairy products rich nutrient value and good quality, "she said.
Results of research Dr. Jorge also be strengthened by Dr. Richard Fleming, from Glasgow, Center for Human Reproduction. According to Dr. Richard, of women who undergo the low-fat diet must be careful of sterility. For the low-fat milk can impede the process ovulasi.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Many bleeding unremitting Stop

Throughout the menstruation cycle, so there can be when you experience menstruation bleeding more than usual. Or had you always experienced it for this.
In medicine this condition is called Menorrhagia, bleeding and menstruation that many contracts (beyond the normal menstruation, namely; 3 10 days).
This is actually the normal condition experienced by women who enter the premenopause, but for women of productive age, this is not fair. Whether the symptoms and causes?
You belong to menorrhagia, when experiencing all these symptoms simultaneously:
1. Casing feels fast after the Nation is used in 1 hour, and occur over several hours in succession need to be replaced, even need to use double sanitary.
2. Need to wake up and change the dressing on the night
3. Menstruation lasted more than 10 days
The volume of blood containing the blood of menstruation, which is much viscous
4. Bleeding felt the day-to-day activities (dizziness, weakness, the symptoms of anemia)
5. Pain and that since the beginning of menstruation until the last day
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tips for caring the health of organs intimate

Part of the body organs of women around the intimate, often referred to as the 'golden triangle area' article, besides important role in the process of reproduction, the area is also vulnerable to infection. Unfortunately, until this moment there are still many women who do not treat the area carefully. Intimate organs should get special treatment in order to maintain the health and function.
Here are some steps appropriate to do to maintain the health of organs intimate:
1. Keep the organs that are not intimate Nation.
2. When clean the vagina, flush with the outer parts warm water and soap does not contain pewangi.
3. When using paper wipes to clean the vagina area, quality should be taken lertas tissues.
4. Avoid the use of the pants are too tight
5. During menstruation, use a sanitary surface with a soft and dry, such as Soft Care, so do not cause irritation.
6. Avoid using synthetic products berparfum to clean the vagina.
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